Today I went with Giselle and a couple of her friends to the
LOTR: Two Towers exhibit -- even got in for free b/c Giselle used to work at the ROM. :) I didn't know what some of the places, props and characters were so it wasn't as exciting as it could have been, but it was interesting nevertheless and the sets and the trailers that were playing on TV screens were very interesting. Got a few things explained to me by the people I was with. So it's all good. :)
Really tired right now. Been studying all week. Clearly required too much brainpower to write in full sentences. 1 more test/exam/texam on Monday, another one on the 18th...will be nice to finally get a break, see some of my friends...Aaah. Must go shopping. Aaah.
It's cold in here. Should eat, or take a nap, or something. Hmm. Think will go now. Ttyas. :)